We stock a great selection of vehicles all competitively priced, 'Making Motoring Affordable' just for you! All MMA Vehicles are Quality checked having undergone a thorough 125 point vehicle inspection in addition to each vehicle carrying a valid AA Certificate of Roadworthy. All finance instalments on our website are calculated with No deposit, Finance arranged in 60 minutes, finance available with all banks. Fast and friendly service.
Trade- in’s welcome. On any finance deal please note if the vehicle that you are purchasing does not have balance of manufacture warranty, then a 1 or 2 year mechanical warranty is compulsory. Cash price excludes on-road charges and licensing fee's.
Purchase your vehicle from the comfort of your home with Nationwide delivery to your doorstep if needed. Please note that all vehicles sold are strictly first come, first serve basis. Trade in evaluations only valid for 3 working days from date of receiving.
Enquire about nationwide delivery, T & C’s apply. All prices exclude service and delivery costs. If you have any questions regarding purchasing a vehicle, please don’t hesitate to contact our sales team. Inhouse Finance arranged through all Major Banks. External Finance arrangements will incur a 5% surcharge.

We would like to welcome the new DSFK vehicle brand into our quality MMA Cars selection.
Click on the link below to view our DSFK range.